Being a workplace mentor to an apprentice

The rewards of workplace mentorship

Apprentices benefit massively from an effective mentor. However, being a mentor has its own rewards:

  • If your organisation asks you to be a mentor, then they are formally recognizing your professional experience. Put it on your CV, and use it as leverage when applying for promotion.
  • Use mentoring conversations as a learning opportunity for yourself. You will likely have undertaken your own training a few years ago. Once your apprentice gets going, they will have plenty to share. Moreover, many apprenticeship standards have been written very recently: this will give you fresh insight into professional expectations.
  • Mentoring allows you to connect with colleagues from across your organisation. You aren’t expected to be an expert in everything, and mentorship works best when you share the apprentice’s development with others.
  • Ask for training for yourself- whether it is on managing difficult conversations that might come up, or upskilling in another area that helps you to be a better mentor, find out what is on offer.