Balloons with happy and sad faces on them

Sample Learner Satisfaction Surveys for Apprenticeships

Likert scale satisfaction feedback

Here are some sample questions you may wish to tailor to your own programme in order to track satisfaction levels across different modules of learning. This can be useful evidence that can be shared in an Ofsted inspection.

Likert scale: Very Dissatisfied to Very Satisfied

Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeither satisfied nor dissatisfiedSatisfiedVery Satisfied
How satisfied were you with the quality of teaching on this module?
How satisfied were you with the clarity and timeliness of communication from your tutor?

Likert scale: Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree

Strongly DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat AgreeStrongly Agree
The online classes have provided an opportunity to develop my knowledge, skills and behaviours aligned to my role
I believe the assessed work will help me develop new knowledge, skills and behaviours
I knew how to contact my tutor for help and advice
The criteria for marking my work was clear
The learning materials and resources were of a high quality and well organised
Assignment briefs were released in a timely manner

Open questions to gain qualitative feedback

What went well?
Please highlight any particularly positive aspects of your experience during this module.

How can we improve?
Please share any details on what could have been better so that we can work on improving this. Your feedback is extremely valuable.