Apprenticeship reflective learning journal

Reflective models to help with your apprenticeship learning journal

You may find one of the following reflective models useful in helping you structure your learning journal entries.

What? So what? Now What? (Driscoll, 1994)

  • What? – describe what happened
  • So what? – understand the impact and identify the learnings
  • Now What? – create a plan for future action

Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle (Gibbs, 1988)

  • Description – describe what happened
  • Feelings – how did you feel and what were you thinking?
  • Evaluation – describe objectively what was positive or negative
  • Analysis – consider why things went well or badly and whether these were internal or external factors
  • Conclusions – focus on what you learned from the experience
  • Actions – what future action can you take to build on your learnings?