Apprenticeship reflective learning journal

Reflective models to help with your apprenticeship learning journal

You may find one of the following reflective models useful in helping you structure your learning journal entries. What? So what? Now What? (Driscoll, 1994) What? – describe what happened So what? – understand the impact and identify the learnings Now What? – create a plan for future action Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle (Gibbs, 1988) Description …

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Synoptic Project - Employer Feedback Form

Synoptic Project Employer Feedback Form Template

Download this free template You are welcome to change and use the template as you see fit. If you find it useful or if you have feedback which could improve this resource, we’d love to hear from you. Enter your name and email below and we’ll drop you a download link.

Workplace mentor meetings with learners

Getting the most from your first mentorship meeting

The first mentorship meeting is incredibly important in establishing expectations. Most mentorship relationships are rewarding and unproblematic- but in cases where they go wrong, it is most often a case of expectations not being clear. Before the first meeting, think about the way that you want to work. Consider the following, and then discuss with …

Getting the most from your first mentorship meeting Read More »

Apprenticeship Workplace Mentors

The importance of workplace mentors as part of apprenticeships

The importance of the mentor For any apprentice, time with the training provider tends to be proportionally a lot less than time spent developing in the workplace with the support and guidance of a mentor. With adequate time and expertise,  the mentorship relationship has a massive potential to impact on the development of the apprentice. …

The importance of workplace mentors as part of apprenticeships Read More »