A group of smiling apprentices

How to gauge apprenticeship learner and employer satisfaction

This resource has been kindly contributed by Jane Fletcher of Bishop Grosseteste University.

Sample learner satisfaction questions

These questions can be used early on in an apprenticeship programme to gauge apprentices’ satisfaction in the first few months of their learning journey.

Some questions can be adapted for use on a module-by-module basis, particularly in the case of degree apprenticeships which may have modules delivered by different academic staff.

These questions can be used with Likert scale responses, where appropriate:

  • Strongly disagree to Strongly agree
  • Very dissatisfied to Very satisfied
How satisfied are you with information you were given when you were choosing your apprenticeships?  
How satisfied are you with the support and information you were given during the application and enrolment process?  
How satisfied are you with the teaching on your apprenticeship
How satisfied are you with the respect staff show to you?
The online workshops have provided an opportunity to develop my knowledge, skills and behaviours aligned to my role
I believe the assessed work will help me develop new knowledge, skills and behaviours
I know how to get help and advice from my academic tutors
I know how to get help and advice from the apprenticeship Support Officer
I know where to seek help for wellbeing or learning support if I need it
In the event that I or a peer find ourselves in an unsafe situation I know where to seek help
I know where to seek help if I or a peer are at risk of radicalisation or extremism
I am clear about the timeline of my apprenticeship and know what I am expected to achieve and by when
My work-based role provides suitable opportunities to apply my knowledge, skills and behaviour developed in my apprenticeship
How satisfied are you with the help staff gave you in the first few weeks with regards to the contents of your apprenticeship?  
How satisfied are you with the university at listening to the views of students?
How satisfied are you that the apprenticeship is meeting your expectations?
Overall, how satisfied are you with your university apprenticeship programme?
The face to face workshops have provided an opportunity to develop my knowledge, skills and behaviours aligned to my role
The assignment briefs provide me with information to support my successful completion of assessed work
The criteria for marking my work is clear
I find the learning materials and resources helpful in completing my assessments
I am able to undertake my off the job study activities in a way that is suited to learning style and supportive of my work activities
How likely is it that you would recommend the apprenticeship to friends and family?
How satisfied are you with the advice you have been given about what you can do after this apprenticeships?
How satisfied are you with the university acting on the views of students and employers?

An example 12-week employer survey

How satisfied are you that the University staff understand your organisation’s training needs?
How satisfied are you with the delivery model and structure of the apprenticeship to meet your needs as an employer?
How satisfied are you with the University’s professionalism   of the staff delivering training and/or assessment?
How satisfied are you with the overall   quality of the training/assessment?
How satisfied are you with our efficiency and response time in dealing with any inquiries you have made.